Brentwood: currently 23°C, clear sky
high today 23°C, low tonight 14°C
sunrise 4.43am, sunset 9.19pm
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The Orient Hour – s08 e50 – hosted by Andy Gilson, Darin Burrows and Tony Smyth with guest Scott McGleish

You can now find THE ORIENT HOUR on Spotify, Google Podcasts, RadioPublic and Breaker - and all shows will continue to be posted to every week too

Tonight’s show is hosted by Andy Gilson, Darin Burrows and Tony Smyth with guest Scott McGleish.

The Panel discuss the fixture list (which was released earlier today); summer signings so far; and the 5:30pm kick offs all enough to lead nicely into a Roper’s Rant. Then then chat with Scott McGleish who speaks about his role as assistant manager and reflects fondly on his time at the O’s.

Enjoy the show!

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The Orient Hour – s08 e50 – hosted by Andy Gilson, Darin Burrows and Tony Smyth with guest Scott McGleish

You can now find THE ORIENT HOUR on Spotify, Google Podcasts, RadioPublic and Breaker - and all shows will continue to be posted to every week too

Tonight’s show is hosted by Andy Gilson, Darin Burrows and Tony Smyth with guest Scott McGleish.

The Panel discuss the fixture list (which was released earlier today); summer signings so far; and the 5:30pm kick offs all enough to lead nicely into a Roper’s Rant. Then then chat with Scott McGleish who speaks about his role as assistant manager and reflects fondly on his time at the O’s.

Enjoy the show!

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The Orient Hour – s08 e50 – hosted by Andy Gilson, Darin Burrows and Tony Smyth with guest Scott McGleish

You can now find THE ORIENT HOUR on Spotify, Google Podcasts, RadioPublic and Breaker - and all shows will continue to be posted to every week too

Tonight’s show is hosted by Andy Gilson, Darin Burrows and Tony Smyth with guest Scott McGleish.

The Panel discuss the fixture list (which was released earlier today); summer signings so far; and the 5:30pm kick offs all enough to lead nicely into a Roper’s Rant. Then then chat with Scott McGleish who speaks about his role as assistant manager and reflects fondly on his time at the O’s.

Enjoy the show!

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The Orient Hour – s08 e50 – hosted by Andy Gilson, Darin Burrows and Tony Smyth with guest Scott McGleish

You can now find THE ORIENT HOUR on Spotify, Google Podcasts, RadioPublic and Breaker - and all shows will continue to be posted to every week too

Tonight’s show is hosted by Andy Gilson, Darin Burrows and Tony Smyth with guest Scott McGleish.

The Panel discuss the fixture list (which was released earlier today); summer signings so far; and the 5:30pm kick offs all enough to lead nicely into a Roper’s Rant. Then then chat with Scott McGleish who speaks about his role as assistant manager and reflects fondly on his time at the O’s.

Enjoy the show!

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